Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Online Shopping Charlie Brown!

Just a funny cartoon depicting eBay in the old Peanuts format! = )

E-Commerce Hosting...

Click on a link to view a few of the companies that offer hosting with many different features and price ranges, keep in mind this just a few of the thousands of companies that offer this service!

Basic E-Bay Tutorial..

One of the most easiest ways to make money online is using eBay, be your own boss, sell what you want, and make money! Check out the video for a quick tutorial!

E-Commerce Flow Chart

A basic flow chart for a successful E-Commerce store!

E-Commerce Statistics..

For an overview of the "Electronic Economy" as recorded by the Government, check out the following link:

Cyber Monday!

I've linked Wikipedia's in depth look into what Cyber Monday actually is, a lot of people are aware of Black Friday, and now even more are flocking to computers for Cyber Monday, check out the link!

The Web Marketing Checklist: 37 Ways to Promote Your Website

In depth article on how to get your website the attention it deserves!! Click the link to check it out!

Top 10 E-Commerce Retailers by Conversion Rate...

Top 10 Online Retailers by Conversion Rate - March 2009

For those of you who do not know what Conversion Rate is:

In Internet marketing, conversion rate is the ratio of visitors who convert casual content views or website visits into desired actions based on subtle or direct requests from marketers, advertisers, and content creators. The Conversion rate is defined as follows:

\mathrm{Conversion rate} = \frac{\mathrm{Number\ of\ Goal \ Achievements}}{\mathrm{Visits}}

Create an E-Commerce Site in under 5 minutes!!

Pretty cool video I've posted here, its a challenge to create an E-Commerce site in 5 minutes!

How to Protect your E-commerce Site against Fraud.

First tips on how to keep your E-Commerce site secure, check click on the link -->