Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Top Ten Worse Even A Little Humorous Expenditures In The Stimulus Bill

Number 10.
Town of Union, New York, Encouraged to Spend Money It Did Not Request For a Homelessness Problem It Does Not Have
Stimulus Grant: $578,661

I found some stats about Union, New York. "About 8.3% of families and 11.3% of the population were below the poverty line, including 16.4% of those under age 18 and 6.0% of those age 65 or over." (United States Census Bureau) I don't know about you but I do think 11% is a little high for unemployment, but than again a lot of other areas have been hit alot harder. I'll let you decide on your own if that is a waste or a good spend.

Number 9.
Ten Thousand Dead People Get Stimulus Checks, Social Security Administration Blames a Tough Deadline
Stimulus Grant: $2.5 million

Ok.... I have no defense for this one. Maybe they died while the bill was getting pushed through??

Number 8.
Taxpayers Taken for a Ride: Nearly $10 Million to be Spent to Renovate a Century Old Train Station that Hasn’t Been Used in 30 Years
Stimulus Grant: $9.38 million

A century is a pretty long time, maybe it will be a museum for a town. Maybe they want to start using it again, but still 9 million is a lot to refinish a train station, unless it was being refer bushed to a century old decor...

Number 7.
Non-Existent Oklahoma Lake in Line for Over $1 Million To Construct a New Guardrail
Stimulus Grant: $1.15 million

Why does a lake need guard rails? Are they afraid boats might fall out... Ok I know bad joke...

Number 6.
Nevada Non-Profit Gets Weatherization Contract After Being Fired For Same Work
Stimulus Grant: $1.8 million

Well its non-profit, maybe they are the second chance foundation.

Number 5.
$3.4 Million for Wildlife “Eco-Passage” in Florida; Project Still May Take Years to Finish
Stimulus Grant: $3.4 million

The picture says it all this "Eco-Passage" could use some major upgrades... Do they mean drainage ditch...

Number 4.
$800,000 for little-used Johnstown, Pennsylvania airport to repave a back-up runway; the “Airport for Nobody” Has Already Received Tens of Millions in Taxpayer dollars
Stimulus Grant: $800,000

I'm from PA so I'm cool with this. However I can see how this might be a waste, but maybe they only have one working runway. They might want a back-up.

Number 3.
Little-Used “Shovel-Ready” Bridges in Rural Wisconsin Given Priority Over Widely Used Structurally Deficient Bridges
Stimulus Grant: $430,000

There was the key word "Shovel-Ready". Many dire projects are being overlooked, because they have been deamed to serious, and to lengthy of a project to use for stimulus money. So if the stimulus won't pay for these projects who will?

Number 2.
FutureGen: The Stimulus Earmark that Wasn’t, Becomes the Costliest Pork Project in History
Stimulus Grant: $1 billion

This project is to build a Clean Coal power plant. Meaning zero emissions. This project has been in the pipeline for 6 years now, Maybe with this stimulus they will finally be able to get the shovels in the ground. I don't know about you, but if this actually works I don't think its waste.

Number 1.
“Free” Stimulus Money Results in Higher Utility Costs for Residents of Perkins, Oklahoma
Stimulus Grant: $1.5 million

Now that just stinks. I would request that they send the money somewhere else so my bill doesn't go up.

This list was brought to you by Rishy Mehrotra, Site:

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