Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Online Shopping Charlie Brown!

Just a funny cartoon depicting eBay in the old Peanuts format! = )

E-Commerce Hosting...

Click on a link to view a few of the companies that offer hosting with many different features and price ranges, keep in mind this just a few of the thousands of companies that offer this service!

Basic E-Bay Tutorial..

One of the most easiest ways to make money online is using eBay, be your own boss, sell what you want, and make money! Check out the video for a quick tutorial!

E-Commerce Flow Chart

A basic flow chart for a successful E-Commerce store!

E-Commerce Statistics..

For an overview of the "Electronic Economy" as recorded by the Government, check out the following link:

Cyber Monday!

I've linked Wikipedia's in depth look into what Cyber Monday actually is, a lot of people are aware of Black Friday, and now even more are flocking to computers for Cyber Monday, check out the link!

The Web Marketing Checklist: 37 Ways to Promote Your Website

In depth article on how to get your website the attention it deserves!! Click the link to check it out!

Top 10 E-Commerce Retailers by Conversion Rate...

Top 10 Online Retailers by Conversion Rate - March 2009

For those of you who do not know what Conversion Rate is:

In Internet marketing, conversion rate is the ratio of visitors who convert casual content views or website visits into desired actions based on subtle or direct requests from marketers, advertisers, and content creators. The Conversion rate is defined as follows:

\mathrm{Conversion rate} = \frac{\mathrm{Number\ of\ Goal \ Achievements}}{\mathrm{Visits}}

Create an E-Commerce Site in under 5 minutes!!

Pretty cool video I've posted here, its a challenge to create an E-Commerce site in 5 minutes!

How to Protect your E-commerce Site against Fraud.

First tips on how to keep your E-Commerce site secure, check click on the link -->

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Medical Marijuana Sales Take a Turn

Since President Obama has taken office, he has gotten rid of President Bush's policy of raiding medical marijuana clinics. The U.S. Justice Dept., at the direction of the Obama Administration, last month announced that it would no longer direct federal investigative resources to pursue criminal charges against medical marijuana clinics, providing they are operating lawfully. The policy represents a major shift in tactics from the Bush Administration, which had federal agents raiding medical marijuana distributors on the basis of violating federal statutes (federal law outlaws marijuana possession under the Controlled Substances Act)—even if the operators were in compliance with state laws.

Is this a step closer to legalizing marijuana?

Tell us what you think.

Broadband Stimulus to come sooner than later

I found this article on this site.

It is about how Obama is trying to push through over 7 billion dollars of funding earlier then what the time table set. This is because unemployment is reaching 10.2 percent. According to NTIA officials, most of the money will go to expanding middle mile capacity in underserved and unserved areas around the country; another chunk will go to funding computer centers, and a last, smaller pile of cash will encourage sustainable adoption of broadband service.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Succesful E-Commerce: Not when you choose Wizardry over Knowledge?

The Article, "Succesful E-Commerce: Not when you choose Wizardry over Knowledge?", greatly illustrates all that goes into creating and running a succesful E-Commerce business, click on the following link to check out the article!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No Hard Sells Here

Jun Kim, of Yoforia, a frozen yogurt company in Atlanta, makes sure his employees don't try to sell. He thinks it's important for his employees to use their discretion for selling the yogurt products and to put themselves in the customers' shoes. If they think the customer is not interested, then they don't even bother trying to sell anything. Apparently it is working, with a sales hike of over 40% since the previous year. I included the link below.
Google Wave is a new multi-use tool with a sleek interface that allows you to interact live via social networking sites, blogs, or even using the chat feature! This tool is going to revolutionize e-commerce, there are endless possibilities!

Top 10 New Stimulus Jobs!!!

I decided to give you another top ten list. If you did not read my other top ten list go read it now!

Top Ten Worse Even A Little Humorous Expenditures In The Stimulus Bill

So for this new top ten list I decided to see what the top new jobs this stimulus is creating for working Americans.

10. Concrete Finisher - Thats right if you know how to lay a road, or fix a bridge you are in luck. With billions of dollars going to this country's roads and bridges you can imagine the kind of surge in demand this will create. This job is expected to grow the most.

9. Solar Panel and Solar System Installers - Considering the stimulus bill wants to make our government highly energy efficient, you can expect this will be second among the job growth. This bill is trying to ween us off of oil, the quickest and easiest way is solar panels.

8. Energy Management Systems Specialist - Once again another field in the energy department.

7. Welder and Building Inspector - With increased spending in infrastructure, you can expect to see a slight increase in these jobs. However with the housing crash, and companies not willing to shell out money for new properties the job growth might just stay stagnant in the end.

6. Chemical Engineer

5. Software Programmer - With all these new Energy saving technologies someone will have to program them. Traffic control systems, and a new health care computer system should drive the demand for programmers extremely high.

4. Healthcare Administrator - With the new systems in place the health care companies and hospitals will need people to help ease the transitions. Also with the possibility of the new Health Care bill this could also drive demand even higher.

3. Government Administrators - With all these new programs you know the government will want to be able to keep tabs. So of course in style these jobs will probably be the highest paying new jobs.

2. Energy Researchers - Energy is in the title do I really need to explain. Anyways with the focus of getting off oil someone needs to find new tech to do it.

1. Scientist - Obama's campaign was dependant on technology. whether sending text messages, to his supporters or anyone who would sign up for them, to notify them to his ware abouts, or him putting up billboards in online video games. You can expect him to squeeze in alot of new technology rebates.

List of jobs found from

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


WebSite Design....

For an E-Commerce business your website is your store. Its what attracts your consumers, allows them to view and purchase goods/services, and what keeps them coming back. To help you design your website there are several different organizations that can help you in creating your website. A few of these companies are: Homestead, Intuit, Web Metro, Web Design, along with thousands of other sites, each offering differently levels of assistance at different prices. I've created my own website from scratch using Homestead, which is a hands-off company that provides you with a domain, hosting, and website building software. To see my site that I created for my local paranormal investigation group, South Eastern Pennsylvania Paranormal Society, click the following link! WWW.SEPPS.NET


Its crazy how Jim Carrey can play all these characters. If you do not believe me take a look and tell me what you think.

Auto Industry in Crisis

Social Networking Goes E-Commerce

Click the following link to read in detail about Social Networking combining with E-Commerce!

I looked at Versace, Gucci, Chanel, and the Louis Vuitton and Lousi Vuitton stood out the most to me. What do You think?

Ford cars on fire!!!

Ford Motor Co.'s new recall of vehicles that pose potential fire hazards will be its last because the latest action covers all remaining cars and trucks with cruise-control switches made by Texas Instruments, even if those switches don't pose safety risks, a Ford spokesman said today.

Only one person wanted their money back

Since launching its money-back-guarantee program, General Motors Co. has had one customer return a vehicle, GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz said today. GM has sold about 150,000 vehicles since the program began. Of that, just over 100 customers have opted to take a 60-day money-back guarantee, Lutz said. The rest turned down that option and instead took a $500 cash incentive.

Evolution of E-Commerce..

Check out this video! It shows the evolution of E-Commerce throughout the years!


To the left is an image of a graph showing the impact/effect of Social Media on E-Commerce.

Top Ten Worse Even A Little Humorous Expenditures In The Stimulus Bill

Number 10.
Town of Union, New York, Encouraged to Spend Money It Did Not Request For a Homelessness Problem It Does Not Have
Stimulus Grant: $578,661

I found some stats about Union, New York. "About 8.3% of families and 11.3% of the population were below the poverty line, including 16.4% of those under age 18 and 6.0% of those age 65 or over." (United States Census Bureau) I don't know about you but I do think 11% is a little high for unemployment, but than again a lot of other areas have been hit alot harder. I'll let you decide on your own if that is a waste or a good spend.

Number 9.
Ten Thousand Dead People Get Stimulus Checks, Social Security Administration Blames a Tough Deadline
Stimulus Grant: $2.5 million

Ok.... I have no defense for this one. Maybe they died while the bill was getting pushed through??

Number 8.
Taxpayers Taken for a Ride: Nearly $10 Million to be Spent to Renovate a Century Old Train Station that Hasn’t Been Used in 30 Years
Stimulus Grant: $9.38 million

A century is a pretty long time, maybe it will be a museum for a town. Maybe they want to start using it again, but still 9 million is a lot to refinish a train station, unless it was being refer bushed to a century old decor...

Number 7.
Non-Existent Oklahoma Lake in Line for Over $1 Million To Construct a New Guardrail
Stimulus Grant: $1.15 million

Why does a lake need guard rails? Are they afraid boats might fall out... Ok I know bad joke...

Number 6.
Nevada Non-Profit Gets Weatherization Contract After Being Fired For Same Work
Stimulus Grant: $1.8 million

Well its non-profit, maybe they are the second chance foundation.

Number 5.
$3.4 Million for Wildlife “Eco-Passage” in Florida; Project Still May Take Years to Finish
Stimulus Grant: $3.4 million

The picture says it all this "Eco-Passage" could use some major upgrades... Do they mean drainage ditch...

Number 4.
$800,000 for little-used Johnstown, Pennsylvania airport to repave a back-up runway; the “Airport for Nobody” Has Already Received Tens of Millions in Taxpayer dollars
Stimulus Grant: $800,000

I'm from PA so I'm cool with this. However I can see how this might be a waste, but maybe they only have one working runway. They might want a back-up.

Number 3.
Little-Used “Shovel-Ready” Bridges in Rural Wisconsin Given Priority Over Widely Used Structurally Deficient Bridges
Stimulus Grant: $430,000

There was the key word "Shovel-Ready". Many dire projects are being overlooked, because they have been deamed to serious, and to lengthy of a project to use for stimulus money. So if the stimulus won't pay for these projects who will?

Number 2.
FutureGen: The Stimulus Earmark that Wasn’t, Becomes the Costliest Pork Project in History
Stimulus Grant: $1 billion

This project is to build a Clean Coal power plant. Meaning zero emissions. This project has been in the pipeline for 6 years now, Maybe with this stimulus they will finally be able to get the shovels in the ground. I don't know about you, but if this actually works I don't think its waste.

Number 1.
“Free” Stimulus Money Results in Higher Utility Costs for Residents of Perkins, Oklahoma
Stimulus Grant: $1.5 million

Now that just stinks. I would request that they send the money somewhere else so my bill doesn't go up.

This list was brought to you by Rishy Mehrotra, Site:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Success, not luck

This article has to do with success and not luck. Unfortunately we hear too often about how it may just be pure luck that we succeed, but this article confirms that success comes from hard work and not just luck. The link is below.

Famous Without Schooling

This article is pretty cool to read. It shows some famous people who didn't even go to college, yet they became successful. It was a little different so I decided to post it on here. The link is below.

Toyota recall

Toyota Motor Corp. said Tuesday it will recall 3.8 million vehicles in the United States, the company’s largest-ever U.S. recall, to address problems with a removable floor mat that could cause accelerators to get stuck and lead to a crash.

The recall will involve popular models such as the Toyota Camry, and the Toyota Prius. Toyota said it was still working with officials with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to find a remedy to fix the problem and said owners could be notified about the recall as early as next week. Toyota spokesman Irv Miller said until the company finds a fix, owners should take out the removable floor mat on the driver’s side and not replace it.

Toyota’s previously largest U.S. recall was about 900,000 vehicles in 2005 to fix a steering issue. The company declined to say how many complaints it had received about the accelerator issue. The Japanese automaker warned owners that if they think their vehicle is accelerating out of control, they should check to see whether their floor mat is under the pedal. If a driver can’t remove the floor mat, Toyota advises drivers to step on the brake pedal with both feet until the vehicle slows and then try to put it into neutral and switch the ignition to accessory power. For vehicles with engine start/stop buttons, Toyota said the engine can be shut off by holding the button down for three seconds.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Roads What The Stimulus Is Failing To Cover

Today while I was at Wawa getting lunch, I passed by the newspaper stand. Normally I will just casually glance at the titles, but I never buy one. Today something in US TODAY caught my eye instantly. On the front page of USA TODAY there was an article called, Stimulus not going to worst roadways. Being a Pennsylvanian it causes some discomfort. It is known that we have the worst roadways. does a survey with truck drivers once a year, and Pennsylvania has been the title holder of worst roads 5 times in a decade. We were also number one from 1990-1998. Transportation for America, a Washington lobbying group, Reported that 11.3 percent of Pennsylvania's roads were poor.

The Article in USA TODAY found that in Detroit which has a third of Michigan's bad roads, will only receive 10% of the states road funding. New York City which has nearly 900 miles of bad roads will get almost nothing of the 400 million the state allotted to road repairs according to the article. The major problem according too, John Barton head of engineering for Texas' Department of Transportation, "Is that the stimulus is designed to spend as fast as possible to revive the economy. Many roads are in such bad shape that repairs would take too long and cost too much to qualify for funds". This is why instead of fixing the problem the state of Pennsylvania will continue to put band-aid fixes on our roads, because they are just too bad, and will take just too long.

Yes the stimulus is created jobs, and yes it is going to spend 10 Billion in Stimulus aid to repair the nations highways, but too much is going to area's that are well Maintained, and not enough will go to the area's in most need of freshly paved roads.

Overdrive Survey

Transportation for America

The USA TODAY article was found in the Fri, Sat, Sun edition dates 25-27 on the front page

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The newest fashion trend in 2010 is said to be crazy shoes. Take a look at the fashion trend website and see what else is new. They talk about water colors, bold jewelry, and even jump suites. Personally I love crazy shoes. lol. What do you think?

General Motors

GM lost over $30 billion dollars!!!!

The new up and coming rapper Drake has been one of the hottest artist this summer. Drake has only one album and it is selling even though he did not release it. "Forever" Drake featuring Kanye West, Lil Wayne, and Eminem is said to be the biggest collaboration since Busta Rhymes song "Touch It." They say the song is going to hit the charts. We just have to wait and see. To me its definitely one in a million.

Youth gives college details

Jordan Goldman may be young, but he is innovative and hardworking. During high school, his college searches were exhaustive and boring, and he figured how could he possibly find out about a college just from a couple of pages written in a book. So, he put an idea of his out there and got a response. His idea was to create a site for college-bound students and their parents to look at what life is really like at college-- academically, socially, and politically. His site includes hundreds of colleges and universities across the U.S. The site contains information basically provided by students. Check it out---->

Chrysler needs a $7 billion loan


Hello my name is Amanda and I will be covering entertainment in this blog. I will be posting the latest updates on movies, music, and fashion. You can respond to me by clicking on fashion101 to let me no what you think on the latest updates.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

3d Online Shopping!

With more and more people beginning to do most (if not all of) their shopping online, the technology of our time is ready to even take it a step further. 3D malls and shopping centers are now available for you to peruse at will, and view 100s of 1000s of items online. Check out the video!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hello, my name is Brandon and I am going to discuss the business of automotive. I hope you enjoy

Hello and Welcome!

Hello and welcome to the Conglomerate Economic Scoop! My name is Casey Morganelli and I will be blogging on here throughout this Fall Semester here at Bucks County Community College. My main focus within this group will be E-Commerce. Be sure to check back weekly for updates including video, audio, pictures, and text!